Tams11 Mystery Square by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Play this online scrabble type game.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 82
Size: 1436 K
Date: 2012-01-18
Keywords: mystery square, scrabble, tiles, letters, word, word game, keyword, words, tams11, board, online, games, online word game
Tams11 Shake It! by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Word game version of Yachtzee
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 76
Size: 1680 K
Date: 2012-01-10
Keywords: word game, word, game, tams11, yachtzee, tams11, chat, free, download, yacht, scrabble, scramble, online, multiplayer, games
Tams11 ShutTheBox by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Online version of the popular pub game Shut The Box.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 72
Size: 1078 K
Date: 2012-01-10
Keywords: dice games, online games, multiplayer games, internet games, shut the box, irish, pub, download game, game, games, dice, roll, gaming, online gaming, shut the box, irish pub game, tams11
Tams11 Up Stage by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Card game similar to contract rummy.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 61
Size: 1462 K
Date: 2011-10-11
Keywords: card, card game, contract rummy, phase 10, online game, upstage, tams11, game, download, free, chat
Tams11 Switch by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Create words on the board using letter tiles.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 72
Size: 1710 K
Date: 2011-05-09
Keywords: switch, tams11, scrabble, upwords, tile, word game, online, play, download, free, games
Tams11 OhPShaw by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Online Card game similar to Spades
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 28
Size: 904 K
Date: 2011-01-30
Keywords: cards, oh hell, card, online, multiplayer, tams11, spades, blackout, online card game, download game, games, card game
Tams11 TriPeaks by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Play the classic game Tripeaks.
License: Shareware, Price: $11.95 US
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Downloads: 28
Size: 1423 K
Date: 2011-01-25
Keywords: card, game, download, tripeaks, tams11, solitaire, card game, shareware, play cards, solo game, games, card games, download card games
Tams11 Word Hunt by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Multiplayer online word search game.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 79
Size: 1008 K
Date: 2010-12-27
Keywords: word search, online, game, search, word, multiplayer, chat, tams11, word game, online word game
Tams11 Michigan Rummy by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Online card card game similar to Tripoly.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 49
Size: 1328 K
Date: 2010-11-14
Keywords: online, cards, card game, multiplayer, chat, michigan rummy, tams11, tripoly, tripoloy, michigan, rummy
Tams11 TagADice by: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire

Come play an online game similar to Yahtzee!
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 53
Size: 1455 K
Date: 2010-11-05
Keywords: tagadice, yahtzee, tams11, online, games, game, multiplayer, online game, online games, yatch, dice, dice game, dice games, download, free