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Attribute Manager 4.94 by: MIKLSOFT

Flexible changing file's attributes, date and time stamps.
License: Shareware, Price: $19.99 US
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Downloads: 156
Size: 934 K
Date: 2014-10-02
Keywords: attribute, manager, changer, file, folder, date, time, tool, utilitiy
Advanced Renamer 3.64 by: Hulubulu Software

Advanced Renamer is a batch renamer for renaming multiple files in a snap.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 1104
Size: 8144 K
Date: 2014-03-26
Keywords: rename, renaming, renamer, rename file, file rename, mp3 rename, photo rename, naming, batch, change name, delete, add, insert, replace, case, change case, attributes, timestamp, mp3, id3, jpeg, jpg, image, thumbnails, exif, regular expressions, regex
Filo 4.32 by: Basta Computing, Inc.

Filo: Change the time and attributes of files and folders
License: Shareware, Price: $12.95 US
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Downloads: 68
Size: 2385 K
Date: 2013-06-25
Keywords: basta, filo, file, touch, folder, directory, edit, modify, change, fix, date, time, stamp, attributes, tree, read, only, hidden, system, filter, batch, sort, modified, created, accessed, synchronize
File Property Edit Pro 3.75 by: foryoursoft.com

Change the file attributes, edit file properties: EXIF data, AVI tag and MP3 Tag
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 145
Size: 1850 K
Date: 2013-06-23
Keywords: modify file attribute, file time, file property, EXIF properties, EXIF editor, MP3 Tag editor, AVI Tag Editor
FSTool 1.01 by: GssEziSoft

Search a file tree and use the list in Notepad or Excel.
License: Shareware, Price: $10.00 US
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Downloads: 122
Size: 235 K
Date: 2013-05-18
Keywords: directory, filelist, tree, creation, modification, created, modified, attributes, path, Excel, batch, Search, Find
1-abc.net File Configurator 5.00 by: 1-abc.net

Edit file attributes that you are not allowed to change normally!
License: Shareware, Price: $14.99 US
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Downloads: 140
Size: 474 K
Date: 2013-01-28
Keywords: file, configuration, configure, modify, edit, change, attribute, attributes, last, access, creation, date, modification, read, only, hidden, archive, name, names, extension, extensions, usb, camera, card, drive, hard, disk, drive, stick, batch, mode, editing, files, easy, windows
AttributeMagic Free! 2.1 by: Elwinsoft
Easy to use utility to view and change file-folder date-time and attributes
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 44
Size: 651 K
Date: 2012-06-20
Keywords: file, attribute, date, time, changed, modified, accessed, last write, last access, accessed, freeware, free, stamp, modification, last access, created
AttributeMagic for Documents 2.1 by: Elwinsoft
Utility to change all type of metadata on Office documents, files and folders.
License: Shareware, Price: $20.00 US
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Downloads: 82
Size: 4758 K
Date: 2012-05-31
Keywords: file, directory, folder, attribute, date, time, modify, created, accessed, stamp, change, stamp, timestamp, hidden, archived, readonly, offline, word, office, word, excel, last printed, saved
AttributeMagic Pro 3.5.4 by: Elwinsoft
Rename files, change date-time, attributes, JPEG-EXIF, MSOffice metadata
License: Shareware, Price: $25.00 US
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Downloads: 46
Size: 5436 K
Date: 2012-05-26
Keywords: rename, file, directory, folder, attribute, date, time, modify, created, accessed, change, stamp, timestamp, hidden, archived, readonly, offline, word, JPEG, EXIF, digicam, picture, image, taken, office, word, excel
AttributeMagic Standard 2.5 by: Elwinsoft
Advanced utility to change file-folder date-time, attributes and rename files.
License: Shareware, Price: $12.00 US
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Downloads: 88
Size: 3654 K
Date: 2012-04-22
Keywords: rename, modify, change, file, folder, attribute, date, time, created, accessed, modified, stamp, timestamp, shift, copy, increment, decrement, mask, list, size, case, replace
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